SquattyPottymus™ SquattyPottymus™ SquattyPottymus™ SquattyPottymus™ SquattyPottymus™ SquattyPottymus™ SquattyPottymus™ SquattyPottymus™


Kid Stool

SquattyPottyMus™ make potty training a breeze! Help your child feel comfortable on the toilet, poop with healthier posture and have fun while they're at it. SquattyPottyMus™ is easy to clean and great for children of all ages. Also, it doubles as a multi purpose stool!

  • Multiple uses
  • Easy to clean
  • Includes stickers
  • Great for children of all ages



3 eenvoudige stappen!

1. Til je benen op

2. Poepen

3. Voel het verschil